40 photos selected from more than 200 photos taken by the reporter and his articles written during his time in Vietnam are on display at the event. Many are made public for the first time.
Addressing the opening ceremony, Ho Quang Loi, Standing Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association emphasized the significance of the exhibition with stories highlighting him as a friend of President Ho Chi Minh and a Western brave and talented war reporter who will forever be in the heart of the Vietnamese people and generations of the Vietnamese reporters.
Mr. Ho Quang Loi (L) presents flowers to Wilfred Burchett's son, George Burchett |
Born in 1911 Australia and died in 1983 in Bulgaria, Wilfred Burchett was one of the most famous reporters in the 20th century. As a reporter of the London Daily Express, he traveled to China, Myanmar, India, and the Pacific region to report developments of the Second World War.
At the age of 43, Wilfred Burchett met President Ho Chi Minh in the Viet Bac Revolutionary Base before the Dien Bien Phu Campaign and had articles about the defeat of French troops in Vietnam. During the following three decades, the reporter attached himself to the S-shaped country.
His articles, books, and documentaries about Vietnam at the time had greatly influenced the world public opinion, contributing to the development of the Vietnamese just war for national independence in the world.
President Ho Chi Minh gave an interview to Wilfred Burchett in 1964. File photo. |
Wilfred Burchett presented a book "Catapult to Freedom" to then Prime Minister Pham Van Dong in 1979. File photo. |
Wilfred Burchett was the Vietnamese people’s faithful friend who always voiced his support for Vietnam at international forums and sent letters on the truth of the war in Vietnam to famous figures and international organizations.
At the event, the Vietnam Journalism Museum received exhibits from organizations and individuals. Artist George Burchett, Wilfred Burchett’s son, handed over three valuable books about the Vietnamese people’s assistance war for national independence, articles about his trips to Vietnam’s liberated area from 1963 to 1966, 200 photos, and other documents about Vietnam from 1954 to 1983.
Reporters Tran Ba Lan, Tran Mai Huong, and Ngo Thao also donated books, documents, and photos to the museum.
Translated by Tran Hoai