L’Espace, the French Cultural Centre in Hanoi will host a seminar entitled “Bread and rice” at 15.00 on January 26, presided by Professor Jean Pierre Poulian.

The seminar is a collaborationbetween French and Vietnamese cuisine.

As Professor Poulain said, cuisine and way of sitting around the table are some of the clearest features of cultural identity. Vietnam’s culinary heritage is very profound, has a long history and diversity as well as differences among regions. In addition, ethnic communities throughout the country have contributed to enriching Vietnam’s culinary treasure.

By linking a social-scientific viewpoint with cuisine, Professor Jean-Pierre Poulain plans a culinary ballet inside Vietnam’s culture identity.

Jean-Pierre Poulain is a university professor, a socialist, an anthropologist. He directs a research centre on Tourism under University of Toulouse Le Mirail, France.

He is also the author of three books on cuisine: Sociology on eating and drinking (in 2002), History of cuisine and housemakers (in 2004), The main prize of the Academy on Cuisine and Eating and Drinking Customs and Cultural Identity (Poulain is the chief editor of this book which was published in 1997 by World Publishing House).

Source: TPO

Translated by Mai Huong