This year, main activities will take place from April 21 to April 25 at the Thua Thien Hue History Museum in the Central province of the same name. The program is organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) in collaboration with the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the provincial People's Committee.

In Hanoi capital, right from the beginning of April, its districts and Son Tay town have organized a wide range of response activities, including book exhibitions, talk shows, and book introduction and granting events.

The second Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day draws many young people.

The highlight was the opening ceremony of the second Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day at the Hanoi Library on April 20 with the theme of "Books: Awareness - Innovation - Creativity." Within the framework of the event, participants heard a thematic talk on "Reading culture in the 4.0 period" and activities in response to the second Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day.

In Ho Chi Minh City, more than 100 activities are expected to be held in its districts from April 19-23 to honor those working in book-related fields, and promote reading culture.

Hot topics such as ChatGPT (an artificial intelligence chatbot trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response) with the writing of literature and books of today's youths, how to form a reading habit for children in the digital age, and e-books are being discussed and receiving great attention from the public.

In addition to provinces and centrally-run cities, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the Ministry of Public Security have also held a lot of events to respond to the Day.

Director of the MIC Authority of Publication, Printing and Distribution Nguyen Nguyen said that this year’s Day carries two major messages of “Books: Awareness - Innovation - Creativity” and “Books for me, for you.”

The Prime Minister's Decision No.1862/QD-TTg on the organizing of the annual Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day on the national scale was signed in 2021.

The day is expected to encourage and develop the reading movement among the community, contributing to building a learning society. In addition, it aims to honor readers, authors, publishers, printers and libraries that make efforts to preserve, collect, and promote books.

Last year, the Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day was held in both in-person and online format amid complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: VNA