Associate Professor Oksana Novakova, from the Institute of Asian and African Studies under Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU), made the comment at a roundtable held by the Russian Centre for ASEAN and Vietnamese Studies in Moscow on November 1.

President Tran Dai Quang attending rehearsal of APEC 2017 activities. 

The APEC Year 2017 has also been considered as a catalyst for Vietnam to promote images of an active, hospitable and safe nation, she added.

The “Doi moi” (reform) process, which officially begun in 1986, has turned Vietnam into a developing country with freer economic policies, Novakova said, adding that along with promoting economic cooperation, Vietnam has paid due attention to bolstering coordination with foreign countries to maintain regional security.

The Russian expert also stressed that peace and development are major orientations in the country’s foreign policy.

Meanwhile, Anna Aksenova, a lecturer of MGU, noticed that Vietnam is proving its proactive development with high average gross domestic product growth and Vietnam’s economic expansion has close connection with investment flows from foreign businesses.

Notably, many key investors are APEC member economies which share a number of common benefits, she added.

Regarding the Russia-Vietnam strategic partnership, Evgeny Kobelev, an expert from the Institute of Oriental Studies under the Russian Academy of Sciences, highlighted breakthroughs in economic and trade ties when Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) inked an agreement on the establishment of a free trade area.

He expressed his hope that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s presence at the APEC 2017 Economic Leaders Meeting will give a new boost to the bilateral relationship.

Talking with Vietnam News Agency correspondents, Vladimir Mazyrin, Director of the Centre for ASEAN and Vietnamese Studies, said that the roundtable aimed to introduce Vietnam and APEC, including the agenda of the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week, Vietnam’s priorities in its capacity as the host country and cooperation fields between Vietnam and Russia for mutual benefits.

This was the second time in 11 years that Vietnam is trusted to host the event, showing that that Vietnam and its economic achievements are appraised internationally, he said, underlining that joining APEC, the country has a chance to consolidate its influence and role in the Asia-Pacific.

Source: VNA