Visitors at Be Be Lake Complex. Photo: cungphuot.info
Ba Be Lake Complex boasts natural springs, waterfalls and caves, including Dong Puong and Hua Ma caves. The site is endowed with a vast fresh water lake, surrounded by a tropical forest, with mild weather and fresh air. The all-year-round blue water of the lake impresses any visitors and adventure-lovers may explore the primeval forest with a lot of more-than-1,000 year-old trees or visit small hamlets of Pac Ngoi, Bo Ly and Coc Toc hidden in the forest on fertile warps where local people still follow their ordinary everyday practices handed down for centuries now. 

Local people however, also know how to do community-based tourism, especially homestay services, which were first offered in Pac Ngoi hamlet. The model was then expanded to other hamlets, such as Coc Toc, Bo Lu… Pac Ngoi hamlet alone has 19 families offering homestay services to tourists. The services include accommodation, special dishes and practices of local people to help tourists experience the real life of people in the locality. Some families even go further to offer accommodation spaces with quality and well-concerted bedding and furniture to harmoniously match with the surrounding environment.

The community-based eco-tourism model in Pac Ngoi, Bo Lu, Coc Toc, Dau Dang, and Na Ban hamlets with 31 guest houses has helped raise living standard for local people. Locals are also now providing other services, such as local shops, motorboat driving service for tourists to the site. To develop the tourism model, locals have organized foreign language, cooking, brocade-making, traditional singing courses and formed art troupes to serve tourists during their stay.

Coming to Ba Be Lake complex and enjoying homestay services with local specialties are out of this world. It’s worth forgetting for a while all the noisy and bustling world of everyday life to melt away in this wonderland of Bac Kan province.

Translated by Huu Duong