The event was held with the view to motivate businesses and service providers to elevate their service quality and cultural offerings, fostering a more diversified and competitive tourism landscape. Additionally, businesses operating at tourist destinations are encouraged to intensify their marketing efforts, foster collaborations with travel agencies, and create new tours that entice visitors to linger longer and spend more.

Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Tourism Bui Thi Ngoc Hieu speaks at the event.

A total of 126 tourist destinations with exceptional tourism facilities and services are participating in this voting. The voting process is divided into four phases, the first two have already been finished. Phase one (from April to July 2024) involved promoting the nominated destinations and raising public awareness of the voting. Phase two (from July to September 2024) focused on evaluating and preliminarily selecting qualified tourist destinations, and completing the voting website.

The next two phases, involving the actual voting and the sum-up, will last until November 2024. An expert council will conduct the voting through ballots and on-site assessments, thus ensuring the accuracy and impartiality of the competition. Points given by the council will account for 70% of the total votes. Readers and tourists can participate in the public voting through the following link:

Nominated destinations are being introduced.

According to Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Tourism Bui Thi Ngoc Hieu, this voting program is a central point of the collaborative tourism development plan between the city and the 13 localities in the Mekong Delta region in 2024. It aims to contribute to the preservation and promotion of local traditions and culture, and introduce destinations to tourists from inside and outside the country.

Translated by The Minh