PANO – Vietnam has many strengths and potentials for tourism development; however, its development has not matched with these strong points.

This was evaluated by Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh at the conference to promote investment in green tourism in the Mekong Delta, held in Can Tho City on June 30th by the Southwestern region’s Steering Board, the State Bank of Vietnam, and various ministries to promote the connection between Vietnamese and international investors and increase the state management over agriculture investment to build sustainable and environmentally-friendly tourism in the region.

 (Photo for illustration)

The Deputy PM added that ministries, departments, and localities should come up with plans to take full advantage of potentials, develop unique tourism products to attract visitors, boost investment in infrastructure, build up a contingent of professional personnel, and promote education to raise people’s awareness of tourism. 

Over the past years, the tourism sector in the region has developed strongly and become one of the key economic sectors in the region. However, poor tourism infrastructure and products and low quality of services and personnel have held back the development of the sector, said Standing Deputy Head of the Southwestern region’s Steering Board Nguyen Phong Quang.

At the conference, the participants suggested many solutions to boost green tourism in the Mekong river Delta region.

Translated by Son Ca