The booking rates on most of the flights from Hanoi and HCM City to localities has topped 75% for the first day of the official holiday, April 27.

(Photo for illustration)

Some flights register booking rates of over 90% to 100% such as from Hanoi to Hue, Quy Nhon, Quang Binh, Nha Trang, Tuy Hoa, and Dien Bien, as well as from HCM City to Da Lat, Tuy Hoa, Phu Quoc, and Dien Bien.

At the end of the holiday period, especially on May 1, the booking rates showed a significant increase on flights from localities to Hanoi and HCM City, with an average also above 75%. Some flights have booking rates close to 100% such as Hue - Hanoi, Phu Quoc - Hanoi, Dien Bien - Hanoi, Dong Hoi - Hanoi, Nha Trang - Hanoi, Pleiku - HCM City, Phu Quoc - HCM City, Tuy Hoa - Hanoi /HCM City and Quy Nhon - Hanoi / HCM City.

Source: VNA