The “Toa sang nghi luc Viet” program in 2022 was jointly organized by the VYF Central Committee, the Vietnam National Committee on Disability, and TCP Vietnam Co., Ltd. from May to August.

Bui Thi Ha (right) the President of the Club of Youths with Disabilities in Quynh Phu district, Thai Binh province

The event aimed to honor young people with disabilities who have overcome all difficulties and actively made contributions to the development of the community.

The honored are young people with disabilities who are no more than 35 years old. For those aged from 36 to 40, the organizing panel will consider their achievements and make the decision. The outstanding young people will receive the Certificate of Merit from VYF Central Committee, the program's logo, a savings book worth VND 10 million, and other valuable rewards.

Among the honored this year, Bui Thi Ha (born in 1982) is the oldest. Ha losses her vision in one eye, and the other eye has 4/10 visual acuity. Currently, she is the President of the Club of Youths with Disabilities in Quynh Phu district, Thai Binh province.

After more than eight years working in the Club of Youths with Disabilities in Quynh Phu district and nearly five years as the club's president, she has performed and completed the regular work of the club, making the club's activities gradually developed.

Bui Thi Ha herself has called for donations to club members, thus helping them and their families develop economy and enhance their spiritual life.

The youngest one is Vu Thi Hai Anh who was born in 2000. Hai Anh is completely blind and is currently a member of Hoan Kiem district’s Association of the Blind.

Vu Thi Hai Anh assumes the role as newscaster, singer, model for many programs for the blind in particular and those with disabilities in general.

Vu Thi Hai Anh was the National Ambassador of Reading Culture in 2019. She was awarded with a certificate of merit and a scholarship by the President of the Vietnam Association for Study Encouragement in 2020, consolation prize of “The families reading books to connect love” contest organized by the Library Department under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and third prize of the “Reading books to fight the epidemic” contest organized by the Center for Cultural Development and Lifelong Learning, among others.

At present, Hai Anh is still an active participant in activities to support members with disabilities. She also assumes the role as newscaster, singer, model for many programs for the blind in particular and those with disabilities in general.

Translated by Song Anh