* Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia offered incense and flowers at the memorial sites in dedication to Comrade To Huu and General Nguyen Chi Thanh in Quang Tho commune, Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province.

Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia offers incense in tribute to General Nguyen Chi Thanh. (Photo: nhandan.vn)

Also, he hoped the Party Committee and local authorities will continue maintaining the historical values of the two memorial sites, so that the sites would become places to educate generations of the nation’s revolutionary tradition and patriotism.

* The same day, a delegation of Military Region 5 (MR5), led by its Deputy Commander Major General Hua Van Tuong, visited and presented gifts to the staff of and national contributors being treated at the convalescent centers for national contributors in Da Nang city, Quang Nam and Quang Ngai provinces.

Major General Hua Van Tuong presenting gifts to the staff of and national contributors being treated at the Convalescent Center for national contributors in Quang Nam province

On the occasion, MR5’s working missions inquired after and handed over gifts of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to the convalescent centers for national contributors in the provinces of Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, and Khanh Hoa.

* On July 25, Secretary of the Long An provincial Party Committee Nguyen Van Duoc led a delegation to visit and grant gifts to heroic Vietnamese mothers, heroes of the People’s Armed Forces, policy beneficiaries, and national contributors in Tan An city and Ben Luc district.

Secretary of the Long An provincial Party Committee Nguyen Van Duoc visiting Heroic Vietnamese Mother Le Thi Luu. (Photo: Truyenhinhlongan)

* The Army Corps 4 Command, in coordination with the Binh Long town People’s Committee, CT Group, and Vietnam Rubber Group, provided free health check-ups and medicines for and presented 400 gifts to needy policy beneficiaries and people living in remote areas of Binh Long town.

Also, the mission gave gifts to five seriously wounded soldiers and five village elders and patriarchs in the locality, and handed over 500 anti-COVID-19 protective suits to the Binh Long town medical center.

* The Department of Basic Culture under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Binh Phuoc province’s Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism launched a photo exhibition on July 26 to mark the 75th anniversary of the Wounded and Fallen Soldiers’ Day.

Cutting ribbon to open the exhibition 

The exhibition lasts until July 30, 2022.

* Division 7 (Army Corps 4) and Hon Quan district’s People’s Committee conducted various social and charitable activities in Tan Khai townlet and Thanh Binh commune, Hon Quan district, Binh Phuoc province.

On the occasion, the division offered incense and laid flowers in remembrance of President Ho Chi Minh and martyrs who laid down in the Tau O - Xom Ruong battle, gave free medical examinations, medicines, and 200 gifts to relatives of martyrs, wounded and sick soldiers, and policy families in the locality.

* A delegation of the Dak Lak provincial Border Guard Command inquired after and presented gifts to heroic Vietnamese mothers in border communes of Ea Sup district, wounded soldiers and martyrs’ relatives who are serving for the provincial border guard force.

* The Khanh Hoa provincial Youth Union chapter conducted a candle lighting ceremony on July 26 to pay tribute to war heroes and martyrs at Hon Dung War Cemetery.

In addition, the provincial Youth Union chapter and other relevant units presented 20 gifts to needy wounded and sick soldiers, war veterans and former youth volunteers and ten scholarships to outstanding students who are children of policy beneficiaries and national contributors.

* The Department of Technical Services under the Naval Service held information dissemination activities on national sea and islands for local people, presented 10 gifts to policy families in Phu Hoa district.

Meanwhile, the unit handed over a gratitude house to the family of Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Liem in Nho Lam village, Hoa Quang Nam commune, Phu Hoa district, whose father and elder brother are martyrs.

* Company 78 under Army Corps 15 granted 183 gifts, worth VND 46 million in total, to policy beneficiaries, wounded and sick soldiers, Agent Orange/dioxin victims and national contributors in Mo Rai commune, Sa Thay district, Kon Tum province.

Translated by Quynh Oanh