These activities aimed to show Youth Union members’ pioneering role and responsibility towards the community, detect and foster outstanding members, and establish more Youth Union organizations in other localities as well.

A youth project inaugurated

In addition, the organizing panel hoped to inspire Youth Union members to promote initiatives to improve their material and spiritual life, contributing to raising the efficiency of production and business activities.

Over the past time, leaders of companies in Dan Phuong district have set up three Youth Union organizations in non-state-owned enterprises.

Within the framework of the program, the organizing board presented 20 gifts to needy young workers and children in the locality while starting the construction of a playground for children, worth VND 150 million, two charity houses for disadvantaged households, valued at VND 160 million, and inaugurating youth projects in the district.

Meanwhile, the city's Youth Union Organization directed the district’s Youth Union organizations to launch the first “Green Sunday” program in 2022.

Translated by Quynh Oanh