Currently, Yen Son has witnessed positive changes. The village has no poor households and 80% of the population are well-off. The villagers say that this result is thanks to the great contribution of village head Tang Dau Lenh.

In 2016, Tang Dau Lenh was elected as Secretary of the Party organization and head of Yen Son village. After finding out why many households in the village fell into poverty, Lenh encouraged local people to donate land for road expansion. He said that if people want to escape poverty, it is necessary to have convenient roads to increase trade. Attentively, Lenh's family donated 250 sq.m of land for road expansion to set an example for villagers to follow.

Tang Dau Lenh (R) talking with a local

As the roads became convenient, Lenh encouraged locals to change the structure of crops and livestock, apply science and technology to production and economic development. To gain people's trust, Lenh implemented a chicken farming model towards commodity production. Initially, he raised around 100 to 200 chickens. Thanks to proper techniques, the number of chickens gradually increased. Up to now, his family's farm has about 600 chickens. Realizing that Mr. Lenh's family's economy was growing, some households in the village came to learn from Lenh how to raise chickens and they have escaped poverty.

Apart from helping people develop livestock, Lenh, together with commune and village officials, also guided people with techniques to plant acacia trees. Thanks to that, many households have earned money to build houses and buy necessary items and appliances.

According to Voong Sang Thin, with the support of Tang Dau Lenh, he and his brother, together with many people in the village managed to escape poverty. Lenh is a bright example of household economic development for people to follow.

Translated by Quynh Oanh