July 19, 2018 | 13:56 (GMT+7)
Vietnamese, Chinese people join hands to clean up border river
Vietnamese authorities and people from Hoanh Mo and Dong Van communes of Binh Lieu district in the northern province of Quang Ninh coordinated with Chinese counterparts from Fangchenggang city’s Dong Zhong town to clean up the environment along the shared border river on July 18.
Hoang Mo border guards join locals in cleaning up a border river |
This came as an initiative from the people, armies and authorities of the three localities with a view to keeping the environment in the two countries’ border areas clean, as well as facilitating bilateral trade.
Lieutenant Col. Le Anh Tuan, head of the Hoanh Mo border post, said the monthly clean-up activity is part of regulations on coordination between the administrations of the two Vietnamese communes China’s Dong Zhong town, as well as between the Hoanh Mo border post and the Dong Zhong border inspection station.
It aims to tighten solidarity between the communities and strengthen the protection of border security, he added.
The Hoanh Mo border post manages over 43 km of border, stretching over six border communes.
Source: VNA