Vietnam Fatherland Front calls for donations for poor people. (Photo for illustration:hanoimoi.com.vn)

In his letter, Chien wrote that promoting the tradition of solidarity, mutual affection and love of the nation, many businesses, agencies, organizations and individuals at home and abroad have supported the poor by making contributions to “Fund for the poor" or assisting the building of houses, schools and roads as well as medical examination and treatment.

Along with the good implementation of social welfare policies by the Party and State, their assistance contributes to improving people's living standards, he said.

The country has nearly 2.4 poor and near-poor households, accounting for 9% of the total households across the country.

Chien said that the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously affected people's lives, especially the poor and disadvantaged groups in society. Millions of poor households are in dire need of housing and livelihood support to stabilize their lives and thousands of villages and communes with special difficulties that need help.

Therefore, he called for more contributions to the "Fund for the poor” to care for the poor and ensure social security.

People can contribute to the fund through bank transfer to the following accounts: “For the poor” fund, account number: 1000001000171717 at Vietnam Bank for Social Policies Transaction Office, or bank account: 3761.0.9054386.91046 at Vietnam State Treasury’s Hoan Kiem Branch.

Source: VNA