The event is an important political event for the working class and the Vietnam Trade Union and is part of the extensive political activities among officials, trade union members, and workers in Vietnam.

A COVID-19-affected needy worker receives gifts. (Photo: VNA)

The 13th edition takes place when trade union members and workers across the country, along with the entire Party, people, and military, are striving to take advantage of opportunities to overcome all difficulties and challenges, determined to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, the Politburo’s Resolution No.02-NQ/TW dated June 12, 2021 on "Innovating the organization and operation of the Vietnam Trade Union in the new situation."

At the event, delegates will evaluate the results of the implementation of the Resolution of the 12th Vietnam National Trade Unions Congress; identify goals and tasks for the 2023-2028 term; review the leadership and direction of the Executive Committee of the 12th Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, and elect the Executive Committee of the 14th Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; evaluate the implementation and approval of the Vietnam Trade Union Charter (amended and supplemented).

As reported, over the past five years, the Vietnam Trade Union has well implemented the Resolution of the 12th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union. Despite difficulties and challenges, with the efforts of the Trade Union officials, members, and workers, trade union activities have witnessed important changes. They have obtained outstanding results in representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of their members and workers, contributing to building harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations.

Many new models in taking care of the material and spiritual life of trade union members and workers have been carried out. Notably, during the pandemic time, trade union chapters actively participated in the pandemic prevention and control and well accompanied their affected members and workers.

In addition, through information dissemination and education activities, the awareness and trust of trade union members and workers have been enhanced, contributing to building a strong and modern working class.

Moreover, women work has continued to be innovated and obtained positive changes, while foreign affairs activities and international cooperation have been expanded.

Reported by Chung Anh