Typical blood donors honored at the event

This was the eighth edition of this kind hosted by the port city.

Over the past years, the city’s voluntary blood donation movement has made rapid development steps and attracted the participation of a lot of agencies, units, and people. The collected blood units have basically met the need of emergency aid and treatment for patients in the city,

Addressing the event, Ms. Cao Thi Phuong, Deputy Head of the standing board of the committee, highlighted the voluntary blood donation activities and the active engagement in the event of local departments and localities. She stresses that it is a humane work that each Hai Phong citizen is responsible to share. She named various such blood donation events hosted by the city that have provided great volume of blood for treatment and helped spread love among people in society.

The blood donation drive collects over 500 units of blood.

In his speech, Dr. Bach Quoc Khanh, Director of the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion stressed achievements, imprints, and values of the Red Journey, contributing to easing the shortage of blood for treatment, especially in summer, raising the public’s awareness of voluntary blood donation and congenital hemolytic disease.

At the event, typical blood donors in the city were honored.

The blood donation drive collected over 500 units of blood.

In the coming time, more units in the city will organize similar activities in response to the Red Journey which was launched in 2013 with a message of “Connecting Vietnamese Blood.” This year, the 10th edition of the Red Journey is being carried out by 46 provinces and cities nationwide and is expected to receive some 120,000 blood units from June 2 to July 30.

Translated by Chung Anh