At the awarding ceremony. Photo: qdnd.vn 
The ceremony, in coincidence with the National Volunteer Festival 2017 was jointly organized by the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU), Vietnam Youth Federation Central Committee and the United Nations Volunteer Program.

The national volunteer award was launched in October and received 100 nominations.

Addressing the award event, HCYU Secretary Nguyen Phi Long said the voluntary movement, initiated by the HCYU in 2000, has involved 16 million volunteers with activities covering various aspects.

He expressed his hope that the awarding will inspire Vietnamese youths to make greater contributions to the national development.

The National Volunteer Festival 2017 presents an opportunity for Vietnamese youths to share experience and raise their sense of responsibility towards society, Long added.

Young people from across the country shared experience and good practices in voluntary activities during the festival in response to the UN International Volunteer Day (December 5).

Source: VNA