The meeting was jointly held by the Ministries of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, and Agricultural and Rural Development in Hanoi on November 22.

Reports delivered at the meeting revealed that the program, launched in 2008, has brought practical benefits to the Vietnamese agricultural interns.

At the conference

Accordingly, with the aim of equipping more knowledge of and experiences in hi-tech agriculture, the interns studied theories and practiced on Israeli farms. Learning from local farmers and other interns from nearly 10 nations under the program, the Vietnamese interns improved their modern farming techniques, understood agricultural visions as well as learned more about hi-tech agricultural production in order to later apply new technologies in the home country.

The cooperation program can help boost mutual understanding and agricultural trade between the two countries as well as promote the image of Vietnamese human resources in a foreign country like Israel.

At the meeting, delegates from the provincial-level Departments of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and universities pointed out advantages and shortcomings of the program.

They also proposed approaches to improve the program’s effectiveness; these include strengthening the steering board of the program, asking the Israeli Embassy in Hanoi to create favorable conditions for intern candidates to get their health examined, making policies on giving financial assistance and preferential loans to intern candidates living in remote and mountainous areas and from ethnic minorities so that they could afford to cover all costs of the pre-training and trip to Israel, and working out mechanisms supporting agricultural startups to attract and realize new ideas on agricultural development in Vietnam.

Translated by Mai Huong