According to Ho Van Ngum, Vice Chairman of the A Luoi district People’s Committee, A Luoi is a mountainous district in the west of Thua Thien Hue province. The district is one of the areas suffering severe effects of landmines and UXO left over from the war. Over the past years, local authorities have conducted practical activities to support UXO/landmine victims.

Lt. Gen. Nguyen Duc Soat speaking at the event

Knowing about this situation, in the first phase of this year, the VNASMA decided to provide livelihoods for 30 UXO/landmine victims with extremely difficult conditions in the district, helping them overcome difficulties and improve income to stabilize their life.

Lt. Gen. Nguyen Duc Soat and Chairman of the A Luoi district People’s Council Ho Dam Giang, handing over livelihood support to UXO/landmine victims
Delegates at the event

Meanwhile, the association granted 20 bicycles to disadvantaged students, as well as offered books and comics about the prevention of accidents caused by mines and explosives to several libraries and schools in A Luoi district.

The organizing panel presenting bicycles to disadvantaged students in A Luoi district

Within the framework of the program, the VNASMA conducted dissemination activities about measures to prevent accidents caused by mines and explosives for local people and students in the locality.

Translated by Quynh Oanh