Ho Chi Minh City leaders pay tribute to martyrs ahead of the National Reunification Day.

The delegation, led by Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen, spent a minute of silence in memory of the heroic martyrs who laid down their lives for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland and happiness of the people.

They laid flowers and incense in commemoration of the martyrs.

After that, the city leaders paid tribute to late leaders of the city in different period and revolutionaries who made outstanding contribution to the national construction and defense at the municipal war cemetery in Thu Duc city.

Also on April 27, they offered flowers to President Ho Chi Minh at the Ho Chi Minh Museum’s branch in the city and the President Ho Chi Minh Monument Park in District 1.

The same day, the delegation also offered incense to martyrs at Ben Duoc Martyrs’ Monument in Cu Chi district, in which 45,693 martyrs who died during the war against France and the U.S. are being commemorated.

The delegation also commemorated martyrs at local war cemeteries, as well as heroic Vietnamese mother and Hero of the People’s Armed Forces Nguyen Thi Ranh at her monument in Cu Chi.

Source: VNA