The statement was made by Deputy Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs Le Van Thanh at the ministry’s workshop providing information on policies related to labour, employment and social welfare held in Hanoi on November 28.

An overview of the workshop. (Photo:

According to the official, over the recent years, the National Assembly, the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries and sectors have issued many documents to institutionalize the stances, guidelines and policies of the Party and State on labour, employment and social welfare, including the Employment Law and the Social Insurance Law.

Implementing the program on making legal documents, the ministry was assigned to preside over drafting a project to build the revised Employment Law and Social Insurance Law in the 2023-2024 period.

Therefore, the workshop was held to widely make known the proposed amendments and new points of policies on labour, employment and social welfare to ministries, sectors, localities and especially international partners, and FDI enterprises, Thanh said.

This was also an opportunity to listen to opinions shared by partners and businesses to continue improving these policies to better meet the requirements of the reality, he added.

Source: VNA