At the meeting, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Tran Chi Cuong said that since becoming an official member of CityNet in 2005, Da Nang has leveraged opportunities to promote its images among members and establish connections between cities in the region and international organizations. The process has enabled the Central economic hub to garner valuable information, knowledge, and experiences in sharing and learning about smart urban development.

Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People’s Committee Tran Chi Cuong (center, right) and Jeong-kee Kim, visiting Chief Executive Officer of the Secretariat of CityNet, at their meeting on April 17

Cuong expressed his hope that CityNet will further support Da Nang by facilitating connections with its network and members.

He also sought assistance for attracting investors to participate in Da Nang's smart city building project in such fields as electrical infrastructure, water management, transport, health care facilities, and education.

In response, Kim said that Da Nang has been an active and long-standing member of CityNet, contributing significantly to its development through various exchanges and cooperation activities.

CityNet plans to assist the city in further expanding its linkages with other members in Europe, he said, inviting Da Nang to join upcoming events organized by the network.

Source: VNA