Addressing the event, ISPONRE Director Nguyen Dinh Tho said his institute, GIZ Vietnam and experts both at home and overseas have debated and developed objectives for the green development and the growth of a circular economy in Vietnam as the country is taking actions to realize its commitments made at the 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP26) last year to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

(Photo for illustration)

The ISPONRE has engaged in finalizing regulations on green credit and green bonds in the Law on Environment Protection 2020, notably among which are rules on the roadmap and incentives for the provision of green credit, Tho noted. It has also helped develop a guideline for the issuance of green bonds as stipulated in Decree No.08/2022/ND-CP dated January 10, 2022.

He further said that a draft on environmental standards and how to provide certification for projects receiving green credit or issuing green bonds has been completed. It is expected to be a useful tool for state agencies, financial and banking institutions to decide which projects are eco-friendly and categorize them by sectors and environmental benefits, he remarked.

During the event, experts and representatives from ministries, agencies, enterprises and domestic and international organizations put forward various initiatives, particularly in building a green list.

Outcomes of the event will lay a basis for the ISPONRE to form the Prime Minister’s draft decision on issuance of regulations on environmental criteria for green credit and green bond projects.

Source: VNA