Hoang Duc Cuong, Deputy General Director of the VNMHA under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, said the sector has applied information technology, digital technology, and AI for a long time, and that AI plays a very important role in its activities.

An employee of the hydrometeorological station for the Northern central region checks a weather monitoring device.

About the application of Big Data and AI to hydrometeorology, Vu Hoang Long, an advisor from Viettel Solutions of the Military Industry-Telecoms Group (Viettel), said the sector should collect and standardize information and data to serve as a basis for applying Industry 4.0 technology to make precise forecasts. It also needs to gather data from different sources in a concentrated database system.

The sector should build a data architecture matching its specific features, use the Big Data technology for handling monitoring and specialized data, and coordinate with international experts and organizations such as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in AI research and application, he suggested.

A wind speed monitoring device at the meteorological station on Mau Son Mountain, Lang Son province

Pointing out some difficulties in AI application, Pham Hoang Hung, Deputy Director of the VNMHA’s Forecasting Management Department, said the sector’s database hasn’t been big enough while existing tools are not strong enough either to analyze, assess, organize, and standardize data. A shortage of personnel for AI application and infrastructure upgrade also need attention.

At the seminar, participants discussed measures for promoting AI research and application to hydrometeorology, especially to information and data management, and learn experts’ experience and viewpoints in this regard.

Source: VNA