The contest, divided into three stages, will run until October 2021.

At the launching ceremony.

Participants are youth union cadres, aged 18 to 35, from enterprises and the armed forces.

In the competition, the candidates will show their knowledge of history, politics, socio-economy, culture, international and region situations, international integration, youth union organizations, the National Committee on Vietnamese youth, as well as other youth organizations.

According to the Secretary of the Central Youth Union Nguyen Tuong Lam, the contest creates a playground and good environment for young officers and encourages them to improve their English and integrate into the global community.

This year, the organizing board launched a website, a chatbot at and an app called “Vietnamese Youth”.

In addition, in the final round, the organizing board will present cash and vouchers for online English courses to the most excellent candidates. It will also provide winning candidates with chances to participate in international activities held by the Central Committee of the HCM Communist Youth Union and the National Committee on Vietnamese Youth.

Translated by Song Anh