National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong returned to Hanoi on June 27 following a trip to Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and France. He said that these countries have considered Vietnam as a potential market for long-term cooperation.

In an interview granted to the media, Mr Trong affirmed that France and the three East European countries are Vietnam’s important partners during the integration process. They all agreed to further develop traditional relationships, even strategic and trustworthy relationship with Vietnam. They also voiced their support for stronger relations between Vietnam and the European Union of which the four countries are members.

According to Mr Trong, another success of the trip is that Vietnam signed legislative cooperation agreements with the four EU member states, laying a firm foundation for the concerned parties to promote cooperation in legislation.

During the visit, Mr Trong inquired into the living conditions of overseas Vietnamese communities in the four countries. He said the Party and State should devise more specific policies to create conditions for them to contribute back to the homeland. He also encouraged them to abide by the law of their resident countries and work as a bridge between Vietnam and these countries.

More than 40 businesspersons which accompanied Mr Trong during the visit had the chance to explore the markets and establish long-term partnerships. Many economic contracts and cooperation agreements were signed at joint business forums, showing foreign businesses’ keen interest in Vietnam’s development prospects.

Mr Trong asked the National Assembly Committee for Foreign Affairs and the National Assembly Office to map out specific plans to implement signed agreements effectively.

Source: VOV