PANO - To respond the movement “Studying and following Ho Chi Minh moral example”, Vietnam military history museum’s branch of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union has held a sightseeing and studying tour of President Ho Chi Minh vestige K9 at Da Chong hill, Ba Vi district in northern province of Ha Tay.

The tour helps members of the museum’s youth union enlarge their knowledge on the historical site where President Ho Chi Minh lived and worked. Thus, they can deeply understand Uncle Ho’s working style, his simple life and great ideology. The visit is also aimed at cultivating revolutionary morality and responsibility for youth union’s members, providing them with additional information for the contest entitled “Studying and following Ho Chi Minh moral example”.

During the tour, the delegation also visited other famous tourism sites and took part in exchanges with other youth union branches.

Translated by Vu Hung