Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung has expressed Vietnam’s wishes to solidify cooperation with the UN Development Program (UNDP) and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) at the two organisations’ meeting at the UN headquarters in New York, the US.
At the UNDP session on September 8, Dung said the relationship between Vietnam and UN organisations has been shifted to the level of partnership based on traditional and long-term cooperation.
With this new level, Vietnam wishes the UNDP will continue promoting its pioneer role in connecting the Government and the UN, providing practical assistance in all aspects and advices to its Government's renovation directions with an aim of creating harmony and efficiency between rapid and sustainable economic growth and environmental protection, social security, and poverty reduction, especially amid major challenges such as risks of being lagged behind, middle income trap, climate change, and international integration.
Youngsters receiving advice within the framework of a World Population Day celebration |
“We look forward to receiving the UNDP Executive Board's support at this session to the overall commitments, as well as guarantee of the resources for assisting Vietnam to sustain and enhance the achievements on: poverty alleviation and socio-economic equality enhancement; low carbon, resilient and environmentally sustainable development; strengthening voice, accountability, institutions, and accessibility to justice,” he said.
In his speech, he said the Country Program for the period 2017-2021 has been developed on the basis of consensus between the Vietnamese Government and the UNDP, reflecting the rational integration of development objectives, tasks and solutions as specified in Vietnam's five-year socio-economic development plan 2016 -2020.
In addition, bringing into full play the achievements recorded by successful implementation of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) where the UNDP's assistance plays a very important role, the Country Program has also outlined the core issues towards successful implementation of the Agenda 2030 with 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) committed by Vietnam.
“The Program will greatly contribute to the Framework of Joint Cooperation Plan between UN organisations and Vietnam for the 2017-2021 period under Delivering as One (DaO) Initiative that has been applying to Vietnam,” Dung noted.
At the UNFPA session on September 7, the minister said the Vietnamese Government of appreciates the UNFPA's valuable cooperation and assistance over the past 40 years. Notably, the UNFPA accompanied the Government in successfully realising national population objectives and targets. The UN honored and granted Vietnam with its Population Award in 1999.
With the UNFPA Country Program for Vietnam, Dung said he believes that the two sides' close cooperation will enable Vietnam to successfully implement its national strategy for improving human resources quality with a focus on the quality of population in a breakthrough manner.
He asked the UNFPA Executive Board and development partners to continue providing maximum technical and resources assistance to Vietnam, firstly for Cycle 9 (2017-2021), and for the following periods in order to realise the set forth objectives in a sustainable and efficient manner.
The Government of Vietnam commits to closely coordinating with the UNFPA and the UN in general in implementing of the national program as well as the One Plan between 2017 and 2021, thereby contributing to achieving the common purpose of: "No one is left behind," the official stressed.
Source: VNA