Deputy Foreign Minister Vu Dung

Vietnam on February 27 reiterated its “one China” policy, saying Taiwan is an inseparable part of China and the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing the whole of China.

Deputy Foreign Minister Vu Dung made the statement while answering the question of the Chinese News Agency (XINHUA) on Taiwan’s recent announcement to hold a referendum on March 22, 2008 on its admission to the United Nations under the name Taiwan.

Vietnam protests against Taiwan’s holding of referendum on its admission to the United Nations under the name Taiwan, he said.

The diplomat went on the confirm that “The Vietnamese Government and people always support China’s great cause of national unification and welcome efforts to improve the cross-Strait relations, thus contributing to maintaining peace and stability in the region.

Vietnam only maintains and develops its non-governmental economic and cultural relationship with Taiwan,” said Deputy FM Dung.

Source: VNA