At a working session with local officials, the State leader spoke highly of Tra Vinh’s positive and comprehensive socio-economic results to transform from a poor province at the time of its re-establishment over 30 years ago to one of the best performers in the Mekong Delta at present.

President To Lam speaks at the event.

Pointing out several difficulties and challenges facing the locality, he asked the Government, ministries, and sectors to give more assistance and quickly remove obstacles to create the best possible conditions for it to develop further in the coming time.

Besides, President Lam demanded Tra Vinh promote important infrastructure projects to strongly boost economic restructuring, and pay due attention to settling climate change-induced challenges, saltwater intrusion, and poverty alleviation, especially in the Khmer ethnic community.

It is necessary to keep investing in agriculture and rural areas which are still making up a large part in the local economic structure, develop a suitable form of agricultural economy to improve economic efficiency and social and environmental sustainability, while expanding effective models, especially those of collective and household economy, the ones applying technology, along with concentrated and environmentally friendly production, according to him.

As Tra Vinh is home to a large number of ethnic minority people and religious followers and also a key locality in terms of security and national defense, the President ordered the continued proper implementation of social security, public healthcare, manpower training, and employment policies.

At the meeting

The grassroots political system, all-level administrations, and people must thwart hostile forces’ plots to sabotage the great national solidarity, actively prevent and fight social vices and crimes, enhance security and defense, and create a safe living and working environment for all, he went on.

The leader also told the province to press on with the Party and political system building; the combat against corruption, wastefulness, degradation in political thought, morality and lifestyle, as well as phenomena of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation”; and promote dynamism and creativity.

On this occasion, President Lam presented Tra Vinh with 1,400 radios which will be distributed to poor ethnic minority people so that they can access radio broadcasts in their languages.

At the meeting, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Ngo Chi Cuong reported that local socio-economic situation has continued recovering and developing over more than three years of implementing the resolution of the provincial Party Congress for 2020 - 2025.

During the first half of 2024, Tra Vinh recorded an economic growth rate of 10.27% and collected 219 billion VND (8.6 million USD) for the state budget, equivalent to 82.12% of this year’s target and rising 20.17% year on year.

The rates of poor and near-poor households have been continuously dropped and stood at 1.19% and 2.35%, respectively, at the end of 2023.

President To Lam presents gifts to a needy household in Chau Thanh town.

Meanwhile, all communal- and district-level localities have completed building new-style countryside, and Tra Vinh is finalizing procedures to seek recognition as a new-style rural province in 2024, Cuong added.

Also on July 5, President Lam and his entourage visited Hero of the People’s Armed Forces Lieutenant General Son Cang and presented gifts to some local policy beneficial families.

Source: VNA