Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh stressed the need to renew and perfect Party leadership in the activities of the whole political system, considering it a very important task, at a Party conference in Hanoi on July 5.

“Renewing Party leadership must go along with renewing the organisation and activities of the whole political system and economic reform in line with the democratic principle of Party organisation and operation,” said Mr Manh at the fifth conference of the 10th Party Central Committee.

He said it is imperative to construct a system of documents detailing the principle, content and mechanism regarding Party leadership for the State in such fields as legislation, execution, judiciary as well as the form of State organisations.

For the Fatherland Front and other mass organisations, Mr Manh said the Party will guide and create conditions for the front and these organisations to identify their goals and modes of operation, and at the same time, to promote the spirit of democracy and creativity in building and renewing their organisation and operation.

The Party leads and manages the contingent of cadres in the political system, alongside bringing into full play the responsibility of organisations and the heads of these organisations in the political system concerning personnel work, while continuing to carry out the task of rotating cadres and enhancing the accountability of cadres and Party members who are heads of State agencies.

Mr Manh noted that accelerating administrative reform is the need to build and perfect the law-governed socialist state in which a democratic, transparent, healthy and modern administrative system is established, cadres and civil workers are competent and law-abiding, and State agencies operate efficiently in conformity to the socialist-oriented market economy and international economic integration, to meet the country’s requirements for rapid and sustainable development.

However, Mr Manh said administrative reform must be based on the resolutions and principles of building the political system, renewing and heightening the Party leadership role.

To this end, the Party leader asked agencies and the State apparatus to continually work out their functions, tasks and coordinating mechanisms to enhance their role and accountability, speed up decentralisation and administrative reform in order to better serve the people under their strict supervision. Solutions to be devised must meet the requirements of the tasks of national construction and defence as well as national industrialisation and modernisation.

Mr Manh said the conference will consider the Political Bureau’s scheme on “Strengthening the Party’s inspection and supervision work” in the new situation. Accordingly, this scheme must be undertaken with both awareness and action alongside promoting organisation and personnel work, as well as working conditions to help fulfil the Party building work. In addition, he said the Party’s renewed inspection work must support the fight against corruption and wastefulness to live up to expectations of Party organisations, cadres and members and other sections of the entire population.

The ideological work to be renewed

The ideological and theoretical work and the press are considered an important area in the Party’s operation. Mr Manh asked Party organisations to be “more active” in ideological work, studying and building a scheme based on the new context. Accordingly, concerned organisations should renew the content and ways of educating Marxist-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought, further disseminate Party guidelines, State policies and law, build up patriotism, the ideal of national independence and socialism, and enhance education of revolutionary virtue within the entire Party and population, particularly amongst young people. It is necessary to promote democratic practice, embark on criticism and self-criticism and strengthen the combative and persuasive spirit of ideological work. Mr Manh also asked these organisations to attentively listen to the aspirations and desires of cadres, Party members and people to have timely solutions, prevent signs of opportunism and individualism, and refute reactionary views so as to defeat the “peaceful evolution” scheme by hostile forces.

Mr Manh also stressed the need to sum up past experiences and make clear the pressing issues related to socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam, the socialist-oriented market economy, the ruling Party and its building work, the building of the law-governed socialist State of the people, for the people and by the people, as well as the organisation and operation of the Fatherland Front and other mass organisations. In addition, it is necessary to renew and improve the quality and efficiency of teaching and learning theory, information dissemination, publishing, and cultural and art activities.

Source: VOV