Members of the sub-committees discussed a draft organization plan of the congress, and a draft conclusion on tasks assigned to particular members.

An overview of the meeting

Concluding the meeting, Mai, who is also Chairwoman of the Party Central Committee's Organization Commission, said that the sub-committee has three major missions specified into 100 detailed tasks, which be assigned to agencies, units and its members.

As the workload is huge with changing requirements in the new situation, it is necessary to stay active in all circumstances, taking into account urgent situations in security and food safety to make scenarios and contingency plans, she said.

Currently, five sub-committees serving the 14th National Party Congress have become operational, she said, stressing the need for consensus among the sub-committees.

The official said that all activities of the congress must be conducted in a harmonious manner, creating a positive atmosphere that spreads among officials, Party members, and society about the 14th National Party Congress.

She requested members of the sub-committee to build specific work plans for particular agencies and a coordination plan to complete the overall tasks of the sub-committee.

Source: VNA