The activity took place on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the August Revolution, the 75th National Day (September 2), and the 51th death anniversary of the president.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc offers incense to President Ho Chi Minh at House 67 on September 7.

The PM expressed his gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh – the talented leader of the Party and the nation, the great teacher of Vietnam’s revolution and the hero of national liberation.

Talking to the relic site’s staff, PM Phuc asked for better preservation of the archives, items and landscape in the site while stepping up collection and communications to serve domestic and foreign visitors learning about the life, career, ideology and morality of the late leader.

House 67 is where President Ho Chi Minh lived and worked from December 1954 to the day he passed away (September 2, 1969). It was also the venue of Politburo meetings during the fiercest years of war.

Source: VNA