October 26, 2018 | 06:31 (GMT+7)
NA passes resolution on result of confidence votes
The result of the vote of confidence on 48 officials holding positions elected and approved by the National Assembly was announced on October 25 afternoon, during the sixth session of the 14th National Assembly.
NA deputies agree on the result of the vote of confidence on 48 officials holding positions elected and approved by the NA |
Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh earned “high confidence” rating in 66.5 percent of votes and “confidence” by 30.1 percent of votes.
The rate of “high confidence” for National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan was 90.1 percent of votes and that for “confidence” - 7.01 percent.
Meanwhile, 81.03 percent of deputies gave Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc high confidence votes and 14.2 percent cast their confidence votes on him.
Minister of Education and Training Phung Xuan Nha scored the lowest confidence, with 28.87 percent of high confidence votes, 40 percent of confidence votes and 28.85 percent of low confidence votes.
The NA passed a Resolution on the outcomes of confidence votes with 95.67 percent of approval.
The vote of confidence was conducted in the morning of October 25. A total of 48 officials were subject to the vote.
Source: VNA