Addressing the fourth Patriotism Emulation Congress of the NA Office on September 22, the NA leader noted that various movements were effectively held in line with the implementation of political missions and the studying and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morality, and lifestyle.

The NA Office has coordinated with the NA Secretariat in Laos and relevant agencies to make proposals on presenting awards to collectives and individuals from the NAs of both countries, thus enhancing the special friendship and solidarity between the NAs and the two countries in general.

At the event

The emulation movements have helped enhance the performance of the NA and NA agencies as well as NA deputies, contributing to the successful organisation of nine sessions, including the first-ever online session, during the current tenure, along with the AIPA Chair Year and the 41st General Assembly of the AIPA, she said.

The NA leader asked the NA Office to continue to improve the efficiency of emulation and rewards activities in the future.

She stressed that activities should focus on renovating working style and attitude and enhancing professional skills.

She also asked the NA office to pay greater attention to movements related to Party building and preventing and fighting corruption.

Five collectives and 24 individuals at the congress were presented with certificates of merit from the NA Office Chairman, in recognition of their outstanding achievements in patriotism movements in the 2015-2020 period.

Concluding the event, NA Office Chairman Nguyen Hanh Phuc launched the patriotism emulation movement for the 2020-2025 period.

Earlier on the same day, Phuc and other delegates participating in the congress paid their respect at the President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

Source: VNA