November 06, 2018 | 19:59 (GMT+7)
NA deputies talk bills on higher education, public security forces
The draft Law on amendments and supplements to several articles of the Law on Higher Education and the Law on People’s Public Security Forces will be discussed at the ongoing sixth session of 14th National Assembly (NA) on November 6.
At the previous session, the NA deputies gave their opinions on amendments to the Law on Higher Education. The draft law is expected to be adopted at this 6th session with a number of major contents. Accordingly, the higher education system will include universities, academies, and other higher education facilities with names in line with current regulations.
Bills on higher education and public security forces will be discussed on November 6 |
The amendment also regulates rational mechanisms to ensure university autonomy via clarifying the institution of the university councils and defining the relations between the councils and the rectors. The universities will enjoy more autonomy, and they must be accountable for their speciality, organisation, human resources, finance and assets.
In the afternoon, head of the NA Committee on National Defence and Security Vo Trong Viet will deliver a report on the draft Law on People’s Public Security Forces.
The draft law includes seven chapters with 48 articles. Deputies hold mixed opinions over regulations on official communal police, positions for those with Lieutenant General ranking, and ranking for director of provincial police department.
Source: VNA