Chairwoman of the N.A. Committee for Judicial Affairs Le Thi Nga highlighted a pivotal change in the draft law: the definition of "human trafficking" has been broadened beyond the existing Criminal Code and current laws. Notably, those aged 16 to under 18 will be considered victims of human trafficking based solely on the nature of the act and the intent behind it. This adjustment ensures that they receive the same level of protection as those under 16, aligning with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Chairwoman of the N.A. Committee for Judicial Affairs Le Thi Nga presents a report and provides feedback on the draft revised Law on Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking on Tuesday.

The N.A. Standing Committee expressed support for this expanded definition, saying that it will provide a solid foundation to fine-tune criminal and criminal procedure laws while raising public awareness of the issue.

Some opinions suggested the inclusion of the act of "bargaining to buy or sell a person while still in the fetal stage" to the definition of "human trafficking" in Clause 1, Article 2 of the draft law. This addition would serve as a legal basis to more effectively combat the practice of pre-birth human trafficking.

Deputies also proposed revisions to ensure that those under 18 who accompany victims, or those in the process of being identified as victims, receive support akin to that of recognized victims. This support would exclude vocational training, job counseling, initial allowances and loan assistance, but would align with existing regulations.

Source: VNA