Lawmakers also mulled over the State budget 2022, the 2023 State budget estimate, public investment plan and allocation of State budget.

National Assembly deputies of Thai Binh, Khanh Hoa, and Quang Tri provinces discusses in group.

According to the Government report, GDP growth hit 8.83% in the first nine months of this year and is estimated at about 8% for the whole of this year. So far, about 87 trillion VND (3.78 billion USD) worth of aid has benefited nearly 56 million people and workers, and over 730,000 employers hit by COVID-19.

The Government set 15 key socio-economic targets for next year, including a GDP growth of some 6.5%, a 4.5% hike in consumer price index, labor productivity growth of 5-6%, unemployment rate in urban areas below 4%, and a 1-1.5% reduction in multidimensional poverty rate.

The N.A. Economic Committee suggested the Government consider key measures to stabilize macro-economy, control inflation, enhance the resilience of financial-banking system, and further expand fiscal policy space in tandem with the efficiency of public investment.

In the morning, deputies also debated in groups the implementation of the Resolution on piloting special policies and mechanisms for the development of Ho Chi Minh City.

In the afternoon, they listened to a report examining the draft amended Law on Cooperatives, and discussed the draft Law on the Implementation of Democracy at the Grassroots Level in plenary session.

Source: VNA