Leaders pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh on National Reunification Day. (Photo: qdnd.vn)

The delegation included President Vo Van Thuong, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, and President of the VFF Central Committee Do Van Chien, and many incumbent and former leaders.

They expressed their gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh for his great contribution to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation.

On this occasion, they also offered incense at the Monument to War Heroes and Martyrs in Hanoi.

April 30, 1975 went down in the nation's history as a brilliant milestone. The 1975 Spring General Offensive and Uprising, especially the historic Ho Chi Minh Campaign, liberated the South and reunified the nation.

The same day, representatives from Central Military Commission and the Central Public Security Party Commission, and the People’s Council and the People’s Committee of Hanoi also paid their respect to President Ho Chi Minh and war martyrs.

Source: VNA