The 13th National Party Congress is a political event of great significance that will set up future orientations and encourage the entire Party, people and military to push ahead with the reforms comprehensively and synchronously, thereby developing the country in a fast and sustainable manner.
The two most important contents of each national Party congress are the document and personnel-related work. Particularly, the personnel preparation is of utmost importance as it is the decisive factor in the success of a congress and the successful implementation of the event’s resolutions.
Given this, the Party and State leader’s article emphasised the role and significance of personnel preparations, requirements for the personnel work of the 13th National Congress, along with the implementation content and methods.
Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong |
According to him, in any aspects or localities, cadres always play the decisive role, and the personnel work is not only the key to the Party building but it is also vital to all activities of the Party and the success or failure of the revolution.
He wrote that during the process of leading the revolution, the Party always affirms that the personnel work is decided by the political line and serves political tasks, so aside from preparing the political line, it is also necessary to actively make personnel preparations.
At present, apart from preparing for and organizing all-level Party congresses, the Party is also making preparations for the 13th National Party Congress, slated for the first quarter of 2021.
At its eighth session in October 2018, the Party Central Committee decided to set up five sub-committees to prepare for the coming congress, namely the sub-committees for documents, socio-economic affairs, the Party’s statutes, personnel, and organization. On March 30, 2019, the Politburo issued Directive 35 on all-level Party congresses towards the 13th National Party Congress.
The Party General Secretary and State President said the two most important contents of each national Party congress is discussing and deciding the Party’s political line and tasks (also known as adopting documents), and electing the Party’s leadership agencies (also known as the personnel work).
They are closely connected with each other and both need thorough preparations, he noted, adding that the personnel preparation for the congress is of utmost importance as it is the decisive factor in the success of the congress and the successful implementation of the event’s resolutions.
Stressing the significance of the 13th national congress, the leader pointed out that although Party members’ thought and the people’s state of mind are mainly positive, there are also worrying signs. In particular, the degradation of political thought, morality and lifestyle, along with bureaucracy, corruption and negative phenomena in some cadres, Party members and civil servants have just been partly prevented.
This situation indicates that the tasks of the entire Party for the time ahead are very heavy, he noted.
According to him, to deal with major issues of the country in the coming time, the Politburo and the Party Central Committee have to make thorough preparations so that the congress will discuss and decide the personnel work for the 13th tenure, thus ensuring the success of the congress and the implementation of its resolutions.
The personnel work is extremely important, and complex, too, requiring the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and the whole political system to work with a very high sense of responsibility and in an impartial and scientific manner that puts the nation, Party and people’s interests above all, he said.
Highlighting requirements for the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee, the leader noted that it must be a truly united, clean and strong collective with high unanimity in both thought and action, strong political firmness, taintless morals, persistence in the goals of national independence and socialism, strategic vision, wisdom, an innovative and creative mindset, and sufficient prestige and capability to lead the country in the new development stage.
Besides, he said, members of the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee must be the Party’s true exemplars of political mettle, morality and work capability.
In his article, Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong also noted that the personnel preparation for the 13th national congress is the task of not only the personnel sub-committee, the Politburo, the Party Central Committee or its Secretariat but also the entire political system, all-level Party committees, Party organizations, agencies, units and localities.
The personnel work must be done well right from Party congresses at lower levels so as to help make the best personnel preparations for the 13th national congress, he said, noting that during the personnel selection and arrangement process, it is also important to have precise assessment of cadres’ strong and weak points so as not to choose wrong persons. Additionally, it is necessary to have appropriate personnel arrangement plans to bring into play the strengths and limit the weaknesses of each person in order to create a strong and relatively perfect leadership apparatus.
Source: VNA