Under the deal, the three agencies will coordinate in HCM City’s external affairs in accordance with the Constitution’s provisions and the State’s law on external affairs, following the leadership of the city’s Party Committee and the direction of the city’s People’s Committee, to name but a few.

Representatives of the three agencies at the ceremony

The agencies will concentrate on popularizing the Party’s guidelines and policies, the State’s law on external affairs and implementing external affairs in various fields of politics, economy, culture, people-to-people external affairs and work on overseas Vietnamese.

Moreover, the three sides will promote the implementation of external affairs in activities of peace, solidarity and friendship and strengthen friendship exchange activities between HCM City and other localities in the world, contributing to enhancing the role and position of Vietnam and HCM City as well in the region and the world.

After the signing ceremony, the three agencies discussed specific plans to conduct external affairs activities in the last six months of 2022.

Translated by Quynh Oanh