Co-chairs the event were Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, Head of PCC’s Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung, Chairman of the N.A.’s Committee for Foreign Affairs Vu Hai Ha, and VUFO President Nguyen Phuong Nga.

At the event (Photo:

At the meeting, delegates evaluated that the external affairs have been carried out synchronously and effectively in all diplomacy pillars from the central to the grassroots levels and reaped important outcomes, actively contributing to the socio-economic development achievements of the nation.

They also confirmed that the closer and effective cooperation among the four aforementioned agencies, especially in doing research, giving advice, and implementing diplomacy activities has helped promote the diplomacy pillars’ strength and synergy of the Vietnamese diplomacy sector.

Apart from discussing measures to enhance the agencies’ coordination to perform diplomacy tasks assigned by the Party and the State, the participants also defined orientations and major missions to focus on in the remaining time of this year and the following years to victoriously realize the foreign guideline of the 13th National Party Congress.

On this occasion, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son presented the “For the cause of diplomacy” insignias to several officials of the PCC’s Commission for External Relations, the N.A.’s Committee for Foreign Affairs, and VUFO with outstanding achievements and active contribution to strengthening the close coordination between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and their agencies.

Translated by Mai Huong