PANO – Last year, the Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations (HAUFO) and its members actively held people-to-people external affairs activities, serving as a bridge between Hanoians and international friends.

Before the reviewing meeting, delegates took part in a ceremony to open VUFO's new headquarters. (Photo:

This information was highlighted at a ceremony to review the city’s people-to-people external affairs activities in 2015 and work out tasks for 2016.

Additionally, these programs considerably contributed to popularizing images of Vietnam in general and the capital city in particular in the international arena.

Addressing the event, President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) Vu Xuan Hong stressed that HAUFO should beef up its practical activities as this year will see many important events of the Vietnamese people, such as the 12th National Party Congress and the elections of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and People's Councils for the 2016-2021 tenure.

Translated by Van Hieu