Miss Ngoc Han, one of the 10 inspectors of the Green Vietnam Journey, left Hanoi for the Central Highlands on July 6th for a fact-finding trip of the Journey.

The Central Highlands is among six stops of the project, “Building a program for environmental protection-Green Vietnam Journey”. The five other stops, including the Central, Ho Chi Minh City, the Cuu Long River Delta, the north-western region, and the northern coastal region, are hot spots for the environment.

During the journey, participants will shoot films, and write blogs and articles as messages of the environmental protection.

Apart from the inspecting delegation, a public education group will join the journey as well to exchange with localities to raise awareness of importance of the fresh environment.

Documentaries recorded at each stop will be broadcast on television. This two-year project is directed by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and implemented by Feature Film Stock Company 1. Further information on the journey is available at http://www.hanhtrinhvietnamxanh.com.

Source: TP

Translated by Mai Huong