On behalf of the Party and State leaders, President Tran Dai Quang presented the order to the alliance in recognition of the enormous contributions to national development and security by writers and artists nationwide.

President Tran Dai Quang presents the Gold Star Order to the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam

In his speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong said the Party and State have always encouraged and respected artistic creations by building specific mechanisms and policies to support literature, arts, and artists’ activities.

They hope that writers and artists across the country will create many pieces of work which have high ideological and artistic value and that honestly, profoundly, and comprehensively reflect the state of the reform, integration, and development of the country.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the ceremony marking the alliance’s 70th anniversary in Hanoi on July 25

He noted that many new issues have emerged in this reform and integration period, which requests artists to reform themselves, remain steadfast, and approach new methods in their creation. They should follow daily life; embrace different aspects like agriculture, industry, business, and security and defence; and visit remote, ethnic minorities as well as some border and island areas to discover and reflect interesting issues and new problems while taking a responsible part in social tasks, especially the fight against corruption and negative phenomena.

The Party leader also asked the Party committees and authorities at all levels to improve the awareness of the importance of literature and arts in national development and protection. They also need to provide the best possible conditions for literary and artistic activities by issuing favourable mechanisms and policies, providing financial support, opening creation camps and offering training to talents.

The national arts and literature conference in Doc Phat village of Yen Ky commune, Ha Hoa district (Phu Tho province) on July 25-27, 1948, is considered the first congress of the revolutionary arts and literature organisation of Vietnam. It gathered artists from all strata and ethnic groups to call on them to join hands in performing revolutionary tasks.

The organisation has changed its name three times and officially took the name the “Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam” in 1995.

Source: VNA