General Vo Nguyen Giap (Photo:
The commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Nationwide Resistance Day on Dec. 19 is an opportunity for us to stir up the patriotic spirit and review the profound lessons of those days in order to apply them to the cause of construction and defence of the Motherland, thus proving that Viet Nam is not only a heroic but also a prosperous nation, said General Vo Nguyen Giap.

In December 1946, Viet Nam was in an extremely serious situation as the French colonialists attempted to regain their occupation of the country. Having no other choice, President Ho Chi Minh ordered the commencement of a nationwide resistance on Dec. 19.

In a letter to a seminar held in HCM City on Dec. 18 to commemorate the day, the General, who led the Viet Nam People's Army to various victories during the resistance war, wrote: "That December 19 determination to fight and win in the nationwide resistance was later exemplified in the 30-year-long war that defeated all invaders to regain complete independence and unification of the Motherland".

"Throughout 30 years of national construction, especially in 20 years of renovation, our country has witnessed many achievements of historic significance. However, Viet Nam remains a poor country, lagging behind many countries in the region and the world in terms of economics and technology”.

"We have entered the World Trade Organisation, which is an important step forward in our integration into the world economy. New opportunities are opening up, yet large challenges lie ahead”.

"We must fight against poverty and backwardness to build a prosperous, democratic, just and civilised country, which is heroic, wealthy and on a par with other powers of the five continents as envisioned by President Ho Chi Minh. This is an enormous challenge for our entire Party, people and armed forces. All need to make gigantic efforts and demonstrate a new level of indomitable spirit”.

"Our nation's patriotism and indomitable spirit has been demonstrated in the past by our determination not to remain as slaves, lost in our own country. Today, it is apparent again in our desire to conquer poverty and backwardness in order not to lag behind our friends, especially in terms of economics, science and technology, and to defend the Motherland”.

"The important lesson is that leaders must follow closely the developments of the situation, arriving at comprehensive analysis of the situation, grasping the right opportunity, selecting the key front and making the right and timely decision”.

"Another lesson is about the staunch belief and trust in the people's patriotism and the correct line of revolution, creating the great nation's solidarity, mobilising the people and relying on the people and the nation's enormous strength while at the same time striving to keep the people's trust in our Party”.

"These lessons are very much necessary and relevant to our cause of renovation and the construction and defence of the socialist Motherland of Viet Nam today," concluded the letter.

Source: VNA