August 11, 2018 | 20:17 (GMT+7)
30th Diplomatic Conference to be held on August 12-17
The 30th Diplomatic Conference will take place in Hanoi from August 12-17, with the aim of seeking ways to make the sector better serve nation building and development.
The diplomatic conference, which was initiated in 1957, convenes every two years. Since its 27th edition, a national conference of foreign affairs has coincided with the diplomatic conference to offer a chance for leaders of localities nationwide to discuss the country’s foreign affairs.
At the 29th Diplomatic Conference. Photo: |
The diplomatic conference is an important opportunity for the diplomatic sector to reach a consensus on awareness, resolve and action to effectively implement the Party and State’s foreign policy.
The 30th edition is expected to discuss measures to maintain the effective implementation of the 12th National Party Congress’s resolution, which emphasized the tasks of protecting national independence, sovereignty, unification and territorial integrity, maintaining peace and stability to serve national development, expanding diplomatic relations, effectively implementing international integration and continuing to raise the country’s position and prestige in the international arena.
It will give assessments of the world situation to devise ways to fully tap opportunities and overcome difficulties to carry out the Party and State’s foreign policy in an active, innovative and effective manner, and put forward measures to continue boosting integration and increasing Vietnam’s position in the region and the world.
It will also discuss the continued implementation of the resolution adopted at the 12th Party Central Committee’s sixth plenum on the renewal and strengthening of the State apparatus, including the diplomatic sector, and the resolution of the 12th Party Central Committee’s seventh session on building the contingent of cadres in a professional and modern direction.
Vietnam has so far set up diplomatic ties with 188 among 193 countries which are members of the United Nations, and established strategic partnerships with 16 nations and comprehensive partnerships with 11 nations. It has also been an active member of more than 70 regional and international organizations.
Source: VNA