The article said that nearly 1,590 delegates representing over 5.1 million Party members are deliberating a five-year economic development plan as well as long-term development goals and a report reviewing 35 years of renewal.

Unsere Ziet runs article on 13th National Party Congress.

The congress will also define targets and orientations until 2030 – the year of the centenary of the CPV, it added.

On this occasion, the DKP expressed impressions on efforts and measures that Vietnam has taken to control the COVID-19 pandemic and curb the numbers of infections and fatalities.

Meanwhile, Germany’s financial news website ran an article highlighting the economic achievements of Vietnam, while advising investors to explore the market.

The article noted that Vietnam was one of the few countries posting economic growth in 2020. In the fourth quarter of the year, Vietnam’s gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 4.48 percent year on year, resulting in growth of 2.91 percent for the whole year, making the country one of the fastest growing economies in 2020, it said.

According to the article, reasons that make the country attractive to investors include young population, stable and open government, stable currency, the country’s participation in many free trade agreements and trade organisations, and being a good destination for the transition of global supply chains and production hubs.

Source: VNA