Gathering crowds of representatives from the Vietnamese communities in the two countries, the embassies of other ASEAN member nations in the European nations, and international friends, the event also reviewed the fruitful development of the Vietnam – Sweden relations over the past 55 years.

At the get-together

Addressing the event, Ambassador Tran Van Tuan highlighted Vietnam's socio-economic development achievements in 2023, and the country’s practical and effective contributions to international and regional organizations and forums.

He appreciated the valuable support and assistance provided by the Swedish government and people for Vietnam in its struggle for national independence and reunification in the past, as well as in Doi moi (renewal) and international integration efforts, and national construction at present.

The diplomat asserted a commitment to focus on strengthening the bilateral relations between Vietnam and Sweden in various areas, especially in mitigating climate change, protecting the environment, developing carbon capture technology, managing and treating waste, digital transformation, energy transition, financial management, public health, labour cooperation, trade, and investment.

The embassy is actively promoting the establishment of direct flights and maritime transport routes connecting Vietnam and Sweden, he said, adding that the agency is also collaborating with Swedish authorities to propose possibilities for upgrading the partnership between the two countries on par with the bilateral relations and aligning with the demand and practical interests of their people, he said.

He highly valued the contributions by nearly the 23,000 Vietnamese expats in those two European countries to the development of Vietnam and the host countries, especially in enhancing trade and investment connections, introducing goods and services, and promoting Vietnamese culture and language there.

The ambassador expressed his belief that the Vietnamese community in the two European nations will continue to reap more accomplishments.

Source: VNA