September 05, 2006 | 21:50 (GMT+7)
Great American family with adopted Vietnamese children
10 American couples who have adopted Vietnamese children gather every 2 years to recall stories about Vietnam. This year, they met in Duluth, where Beth and her husband Paul and their adopted son Andrew are living.
Andrew and his foster-mother |
10 American couples who have adopted Vietnamese children gather every 2 years to recall stories about Vietnam.
Mrs Beth Sever came to Vietnam in 1998 with a dream of hugging a child in her arms and being called “Mom”. The trip’s result turned out to be much greater as she joined a big family of another 9 American couples coming to Vietnam for the same purpose. They all arrived at Tu Liem orphanage in Hanoi to adopt their children.
Since then, they have managed to meet once every 2 years to share experiences and give these children an opportunity to meet each other.
This year, they met in Duluth, where Beth and her husband Paul and their adopted son Andrew are living.
The couples get together and talk about their happiness and the fast growth of their children. “We wish our children to have good relations and help each other when they grow up”, Beth confided.
Since adopting William, 11 and Andrew, 7, stories about Vietnam have dominated all stories talked about in the Sever’s family. “We talk about Vietnam every day”, Beth said.
She often tells her two sons that though she could not give birth to them, they are always in her heart.
All 10 families are scheduled to come back to Vietnam in 2010.
Source: LD
Translated by Mai Huong